Comments on: How to Get Product for Review Technology News | Gadget Reviews | Tutorials Fri, 26 Jul 2013 07:25:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fabrizio Wed, 11 Jan 2012 08:11:11 +0000 Awesome post Emmanuel, you’ve covered some great essential points here.

By: Patricia@Direct Response Marketing Fri, 09 Sep 2011 23:58:48 +0000 Hello Emmanuel. Product reviews are a GREAT way for making money online, especially with blogging. I’ve tried doing them when I started out blogging a couple years ago. I’ve found that you need a popular, high raking marketing blog for you to get them. On the other hand, you’re guide here suggests cold calling which definitely would get you some responses, which if you do the number calling will get you some… I said some. Because once again, the potential customer will definitively evaluate your blog and look at things like your influence, Pr rating (for links) and Alexa rank, and if those aren’t relatively good, it will be tough. Do-able, but tough.

What must also be said is, the company must be willing to give you a sample or access to the product for you to do a proper review. I don’t see how you can do a proper review otherwise. Some bloggers just review products to get ‘known’ and ‘around and that’s sort of where one starts. But it’s hard work and if your stats are there, you need to charge for your ‘services’ – it’s only fair.

On the other hand you can do ClickBank reviews too. They do really well for affiliate commissions, but once again I must caution to review products you’ve used. I can’t tell you how many emails I get of the ‘next-best’ thing that you can tell that person has no idea about (especially once you used the product).

By: Emmanuel Banks Fri, 09 Sep 2011 20:47:16 +0000 In reply to Michael Aulia

Thank you for the comment. That’s true, product reviews are all about balance. Not saying you love the product when you don’t and not disrespecting the company in the review as well.


By: Michael Aulia Fri, 09 Sep 2011 14:34:11 +0000 Great post, Emmanuel, you really sum up everything there :)

Writing about the pros and the cons are always good for the readers and for the vendors themselves as explained. Try to highlight both of them and don’t just say “This product sucks”

In fact, it’s even better to reject review offers if you don’t see any value in the product you are about to review
